Chromebook and wireless mouse on white table, open to Google Meet

How to Fix a Slow Chromebook

If you teach virtual students who use Chromebooks, you probably hear “Why is my Chromebook so slow?” at least five times a day. With so many students using these devices to learn from home, classroom teachers have also been doing double duty as Technology Support Specialists in helping to resolve

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Celebrate the 1,000th Day of School for 5th Graders

For most elementary school students, the 100th day of the school year is a cause for celebration. Kindergarteners typically mark the occasion by creating collages of one hundred items. But did you know that the 100th day of school is also a time to celebrate the 1,000th day of school

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Layered hot air balloon mandala in shades of blue with date of birth and vital statistics on 3D clouds and a 3D pennant banner spelling out Peter strung with blue and white twine in a white shadowbox frame

Birth Announcement Shadow Box Mandala

Many parents-to-be register for all sorts of baby gear in advance of a baby shower. However, if you are close with the family, you might be looking to give something a bit more personal after the baby is born. If you own a cutting machine, such as a Cricut, you

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White shaker kitchen cabinets with green wreaths hung with red and white ribbons

Kitchen Cabinet Christmas Wreaths

When you think about which room of your house in which you spend most of your waking hours, especially during the holidays, there is a good chance that it will be your kitchen. Yet, the extent of most people’s Christmas decorations in their kitchen is probably a few red and

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Tablet with calendar in front of computer keyboard with notepad and pen

Using Calendly to Schedule Parent-Teacher Conferences

Setting up Parent-Teacher Conference appointments was always something that we would do at Back to School Night when we would meet the families in person. But last year, I taught the 100% virtual class and had not met any of the families in person. I looked into ways to set

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11 Best Gifts for Bakers text overlay with baker Santa behind tray of chocolate cupcakes with white frosting and Christmas lights M&M decorations

11 Best Gifts for Bakers

Now that we are well into fall, the holidays are just around the corner. Before you know it, we will be facing the crazy last-minute rush to finish our shopping for gifts. Each year, I say I will make an effort to get some shopping done before Thanksgiving so I

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Seaglass colored Mask chain attached to disposable face mask

Beaded Diffuser Mask Chain

As people start to return to work and school, one issue that they will be dealing with is what to do with their masks when it is time to eat. If you put your mask on the table, you run the risk of it getting contaminated with whatever is on

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Labor Day Clip Art of arm holding hammer next to hard hat and labor day text overlay

Labor Day Career Interview

While schools in my region typically only start after Labor Day, many schools in other parts of the country have been in session for weeks before September rolls around. We look forward to having a three-day weekend. But many people do not really think about what the holiday is truly

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Cupcakes with blue icing roses on a cooling rack

Lemon Chamomile Tea Cupcakes

A few years ago, I started baking cupcakes for the first time. In my mind, I always associated cupcakes with children’s parties. But then I came across several cupcake recipes that went beyond the standard vanilla and chocolate, and into more sophisticated flavors. One of my favorites is these lemon

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Purple, Red, and Blue Composition Notebooks

Back to School Tips for Parents

Back in mid-March, the majority of schools around the world closed down to in-person learning and moved to some form of distance learning. Because it happened with little advance notice, many schools did not have systems in place to transition over to digital learning. Over the course of a few

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Welcome with head shot

Hi, I'm Maureen!

I help fellow teachers, home bakers, and crafters learn new skills so that they can build their self-confidence in their talents. 

Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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